What hours is the centre open?

Hinterland Early Learning Centre is open from 6:00am – 6:00pm Monday to Friday closing only on public holidays.

Does the centre close on public holidays? If yes, do you still charge for these days?

Yes, our centre does close on public holidays. This day is charged at your normal daily rate; however, you are more than welcome to use one of your discounted holiday rate days for them. We offer a 50% discount off your fees for 2 weeks per financial year, we do require 2 weeks’ notice if you wish to use one of these discounted days

Does the centre close on public holidays? If yes, do you still charge for these days?

Yes, our centre does close on public holidays. This day is charged at your normal daily rate; however, you are more than welcome to use one of your discounted holiday rate days for them. We offer a 50% discount off your fees for 2 weeks per financial year, we do require 2 weeks’ notice if you wish to use one of these discounted days.

Do you charge hourly or daily fees?

Our service charges a flat rate fee of $130.00 throughout the whole centre.

Do you offer Before and After School Care and Vacation Care?

Yes, we do offer OSHC the fees are:
Before School Care: $30.00
After School Care: $35.00
Vacation Care: $100.00

Is there an enrolment fee and a bond?

We charge a $40 enrolment fee per child, if you are enrolling more than 1 child, each additional child’s enrolment fee will be charged at $20.
We do not have a bond; however, it is our policy to ensure that your account is paid 1 week in advance at all times.

Am I entitled to Child Care Subsidy (CCS)?

Each family is entitled to the Child Care Subsidy. It is ideal if you have your CCS approved prior to your child beginning care as this will avoid you being required to pay full fees until your CCS claim is approved. You can apply for Child Care Subsidy (CCS) in just five easy steps:
1. Sign into your ‘Mygov’ account and go to Centrelink
2. From the menu select ‘Payment and Claims’, and then ‘Make a claim’
3. Under ‘Families’ select ‘Get Started’
4. Answer all the questions
5. Press submit
Please use the link below to gain more information.

Are there late fees?

We charge a late fee of $1 per minute per child which is to be paid in cash to the centre.

How easy is it to switch days, and how much notice is needed?

Unfortunately, we do not have the option to swap your booked days, however you are welcome to book in a one-off extra booking. If you require to permanently swap your booked days, we will look over our availability and work with you the best that we can to permanently change your booked days.

Do you offer refunds/credits for missed days due to illness.

No, we do not offer refunds or credits for absent days.

What is the policy for taking my child away on holidays, how much notice does the centre require, will the payments go on hold?

Payment is required over this period to hold your child’s bookings, but we do offer 2 weeks per financial year calendar at 50% discount. We require 2 weeks’ notice to apply this discount to your account.

What is provided in the daily fee?

We supply nappies and wipes for children up to 3 years old.
We provide Breakfast, Morning Tea, Lunch, Afternoon Tea and a late Afternoon Tea snack for children who are at the centre past 5pm. All our meals are cooked on site by our centre chef. We provide the children with healthy and nutritious meals and ensure that they are receiving the necessary daily nutritional requirements and also take into account and cater for any allergies within the centre.

What is the process for reporting injuries?

When a child has an incident at our centre, we complete an incident report which is given to you upon collection of your child. We give you a curtesy phone call to inform you of any incidents that may have occurred. In the event of a serious incident we also notify the Department of Early Childhood Education and Care. All our staff are first aid certified in which is refreshed annually.

What is your illness policy?

Staff and children are required to stay home when unwell to prevent spreading the illness. We follow the recommendations from Staying Healthy in Childcare and Queensland Health’s Timeout.
Children and staff will be sent home throughout the day if they become unwell and may be required to stay home for 24 hours, with a clearance from a medical practitioner stating that they are well enough to return to the centre.

How are allergies managed?

All staff throughout the centre are aware of children with allergies. A list of children with allergies is displayed with photos in the kitchen and within each rooms prep area. Our allergy list is also attached to each of the food trolleys as an additional reminder. Our centre cook caters to allergies.

What is the policy for birthdays? Are foods from home allowed?

We do welcome our families to bring in a birthday cake for their child, however we ask that when families do bring in food from outside our service that they provide a list of ingredients that were used in making the food as we need to ensure the children with allergies are thought of so we can supply an alternative option for them to enjoy if necessary.
We also have the option where our centre chef can make a birthday cake at no additional charge to you.

If baby is breast feeding, do we bring in our own bottles?

For health, hygiene and sanitary requirements, all our families are required to bring in their own bottles regardless of using formula or breast milk. Breast feeding is encouraged at our centre, we have a quiet space that we provide for our families to take time and enjoy breastfeeding in a calm environment.

How is breast milk stored?

Breast milk is required to be clearly labelled and dated. We store either in the fridge or freezer as per your request, in our Nursery prep kitchen fridge/freezer which we temperature check twice every day.

Is formula supplied? How is it prepared?

No, we do not provide formula. Each child has their own requirements of what formula is best suited for them. Formula must be pre-measured and clearly labelled with your child’s name. Bottles for your child must be clearly named and re-measured with the correct amount of cooled boiled water. Our educators prepare the bottles when required for your child and warm it in our bottle warmers in the prep kitchen.

What is the cleaning policy? How often are toys cleaned & disinfected?

We have very high standards for cleaning and sanitising. Our educators are required to clean all mouthed toys daily or as soon as the mouthed toy has been dropped. All toys and equipment are thoroughly cleaned and sanitised throughout the week.

How often are nappies changed?

All nappies are changed every 2 hours and in between as required.

What are the sleep arrangements? If I put my baby to sleep a certain way (rocking, patting, singing) will this be done at the centre?

We follow the SIDS guidelines when it comes to sleeping. We will work alongside our families to ensure our children are feeling safe and supported.

How often are babies checked when sleeping?

We physically check on our sleeping babies every 10-minutes, by entering our sleep room and moving around to each cot to check on each child.

How do you support toilet training?

We work with each individual child and family as each child develops at different stages and has different needs. Our educators communicate with our families when we notice that their child is displaying signs that indicate that they may be ready to begin the toilet training journey. We communicate each step of the way with our families and celebrate each success with the child and their family.

How are conflicts and behavioural issues dealt with?

Our educators have confidential conversations with families when required. Plans are put into place in a collaborative manner to ensure that we are supporting the children and their families to the best of our ability.

How many children in each room and what’s the educator to child ratio?

Our ratios are as follows:
1:4 – for children aged 0-2 years
1:5 – for children aged 2 years -3 years
1:11 for children aged 3 years -5 years
1:15 for children aged 5 years -11 years

How are sad or distressed children comforted?

Our educators pride themselves in forming safe connections and building strong bonds with both the families and the children. We offer the children the comfort that they require which may be lots of cuddles, singing to them, playing their favourite game, offering additional food or drinks. If we have tried all ways to comfort your child and they are still not settling, we will give you a courtesy call to let you know what we have tried and if you have any other tips and tricks that we can try.

How does my child transition into care? Do you offer an orientation process?

Our families are encouraged to join us for orientation prior to their child’s first day. This allows the children to feel a sense of belonging and encourages the children to observe familiar faces and become familiar with the routines that they will become apart of. This is a valuable opportunity for the families and educators to become acquainted with one another.

What is staff retention like?

Unfortunately like all industries, we do occasionally have staff that do choose to move on, however this is generally due to location or change in career. We do take pride in having long term staff here with us.

How do we keep updated with how our child’s day has been?

We use Storypark to keep our families updated. On this app you will be able to view how your child’s meal times and food intake has been, how many bottles and amount they have had, all nappy changes are recorded and nap times are also recorded in the routines section of the app. In this app you have the opportunity to communicate with your child’s educators. The app is updated daily with photos and a weekly observation about all the wonderful things your child did and learnt.

Is there a daily timetable? Is it available to look at?

We have a flexible daily routine in all our rooms. Our Nursery routine is based on each individual child’s needs which is communicated between our nursery educators and families. Our Nursery has a daily communication book for each child where families can write information regarding routines for their children each morning upon drop off, for example the time they woke up and when they are due for their next bottle, if they are teething or had an unsettled night.

How much outdoor time do children get each day?

We are guided by the UV rating as to when we can take the children outdoors. Throughout our cooler months we tend to spend much more time outdoors and run an indoor – outdoor program with the children allowing them to choose which play space they wish to engage with. Throughout our hotter months we take the children outside when the UV allows, we also offer our indoor – outdoor program throughout this period as well.

Are culture activities discussed and learnt?

Absolutely! We encourage all aspects of diversity within our centre. We value family input and appreciate any assistance that is offered to us by our families so we can include their cultures within the centre in a respectful manner. We do our best to include our indigenous culture respectfully and offer incursions to our children by Elders so they have the opportunity to hear their stories and learn directly from them.

Do you offer other outside the centre activities, – Swimming Lessons, Excursions?

Yes! We love taking the children from Nursery to Kindergarten out into the community. We offer a nature explores program, we visit our local aged care facility and visit our local library just to name a few of the wonderful excursions we do. We offer swimming lessons to our children aged 4 years and over as this is the age that the swim schools allow children in the pool without 1 on 1 teachers.

Are families invited into the centre for celebrations?

Yes! We love holding centre events and welcoming the families in. We celebrate Easter, Mother’s and Father’s day, grandparents day, Christmas and many other significant days that we invite you into our centre for a morning or afternoon celebration.

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